Sunday, February 21, 2010


For all players:
500 pellets = RM80.00
Additional of 500 pellets = RM50.00
1 box of pellets (2,000pcs) = RM180.00

Student's special (Weekdays only):
500 pellets = RM70.00
Additional of 500 pellets = RM50.00
1 box of pellets (2,000pcs) = RM180.00

At this moment, we only operate during weekend but if you need to book for weekdays, please call us 3 days in advance. (019 386 8004 Shook / 019 262 2296 Faizal).

1 comment:

  1. Terima kasih kerana menyediakan prasana baik dengan harga yang berpatutan. Di harap dapat menambah baik kemudahan asas...

    We all enjoy with our game on 06/03/2010. Thanks all
